Canโ€™t get rid of your tight hip flexors no matter how much you stretch? I have a better solution for you! Do you struggle with tight hip flexors despite stretching them endlessly? You’re not alone. If your hip flexors are chronically tight, it might be because your pelvis is stuck in an anterior tilt, causing a lack of hip extension range of motion. This article will guide you through effective techniques to address this issue and finally relieve your hip flexor tightness.

If your hip flexors are chronically tight, it is likely that your pelvis is stuck in an anteriorly oriented position, or tilted forward. This position creates a lack of hip extension range of motion, which is why your hip flexors feel tight. Stretching your hip flexors to death wonโ€™t cut it, you need something more active. You need to teach the opposing muscles to work in unison to pull your pelvis backward. This position will improve your hip extension and relieve your chronic hip flexor tightness!ย 

Understanding Hip Flexor Tightness

When your pelvis tilts forward, it limits your hip extension, making your hip flexors feel perpetually tight. Stretching alone isn’t enough to solve this problem. Instead, you need active exercises that teach the opposing muscles to work together, pulling your pelvis backward to improve hip extension and relieve tightness.

Active Techniques to Relieve Hip Flexor Tightness

First try this active extension stretch (see youtube video for demonstration). For extra range do this with your legs hanging off of a table. Place the foam roller under your thigh and bring your other knee to about 90 degrees. Push down into the roller with your hamstring muscle using about 3/10 pressure. Inhale while you straighten your opposite leg and exhale for a count of 3 while you bend your leg. Your low back should be relaxed and pressing against the floor the whole time. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 5-8 breaths.

1. Active Extension Stretch

This stretch helps improve your hip extension range of motion. Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie on a table with your legs hanging off the edge.
  • Place a foam roller under your thigh and bring the opposite knee to about 90 degrees.
  • Push down into the roller with your hamstring muscle at about 30% pressure.
  • Inhale while straightening your opposite leg and exhale for a count of three while bending it.
  • Keep your low back relaxed and pressing against the floor.
  • Repeat for 2-3 sets of 5-8 breaths.

Next try this 90/90 hip lift with a low reach (see youtube video for demonstration). Hip and knees should be at 90 degree angles with feet knees and hips in alignment. Have the intention of pulling your feet down the wall in order to tilt your pelvis so your low back relaxes into the ground. You should be using your mid hamstrings to do this. Slightly squeeze the foam roller to engage your inner thighs, keep your neck relaxed, and reach toward the wall, feeling your shoulder blades slightly separate. Fully exhale out the mouth to feel the ribcage come down and low abs engage. Pause for 3 seconds, and maintain this ab tension while you take a silent inhale through the nose. Repeat for for 5-8 breaths, 2-3 sets.ย 

2. 90/90 Hip Lift with Low Reach

This exercise focuses on realigning your pelvis and engaging your core muscles:

  • Position your hips and knees at 90-degree angles with your feet, knees, and hips aligned.
  • Imagine pulling your feet down the wall to tilt your pelvis, allowing your low back to relax into the ground.
  • Engage your mid hamstrings to achieve this position.
  • Slightly squeeze a foam roller between your knees to engage your inner thighs.
  • Keep your neck relaxed and reach toward the wall, feeling your shoulder blades separate.
  • Fully exhale through your mouth to bring your ribcage down and engage your lower abs.
  • Pause for three seconds and maintain this tension while taking a silent inhale through your nose.
  • Repeat for 5-8 breaths, 2-3 sets.

Weโ€™ll follow these two repositioning techniques up with a cook hip lift (see youtube video for demonstration), an active exercise to utilize your increased hip extension. Bring one knee to your chest and drive through the opposite inside edge of your foot and heel while you think about rolling your hips under and using your glute to lift you up into a bridge. You should not feel your back at all with this. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.ย 


3. Cook Hip Lift

Utilize your increased hip extension with this active exercise:

  • Bring one knee to your chest and drive through the opposite foot’s inside edge and heel.
  • Focus on rolling your hips under and using your glute to lift into a bridge.
  • Ensure you don’t feel strain in your back.
  • Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.


Chronic hip flexor tightness can be frustrating, but by addressing the root cause with active exercises, you can significantly improve your hip extension and relieve tightness. Incorporate these techniques into your routine to experience lasting relief and better hip flexibility.