our clients STORIES


12 week sustainable transformation

About I turned to Holly for weight loss guidance, desiring a flexible diet approach. Struggle My previous struggles, fueled by work-related travel and HOLLY Website /BIABODY TESTIMONIALS lifestyle choices, made it challenging. Choices Holly’s holistic approach and deep nutritional knowledge

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Learning the power of consistency

About Nicole Hi, I’m Nicole, and Coach Holly has been a game-changer in my fitness journey. My goal was simple: get fit, build muscle, and feel great. Under Holly’s guidance, I learned the power of consistency, smart nutrition, and muscle

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Repairing my relationship with food

Love Yourself Fit Testimonial May 2023 About Jaime I started this challenge with the goal to enter a gaining phase for the first time ever in my life. I was super nervous to say the least! Working in the fitness

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Loving myself fit for my daughter

About Gina My name is Gina! As a little background I have had fitness and dieting in my life for as long as I can remember. I have gone through numerous fat loss phases and muscle building phases, but have

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I changed my body from the inside out

About Leanne Hi there! I wrote out a true, authentic, and from-the-heart written testimonial for my time with Holly below. I don’t really have a conventional “before and after” photo to be honest, and a 15-30 second video would not

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