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Training Articles

Effective Solutions for Chronic Hip Flexor Tightness

Can’t get rid of your tight hip flexors no matter how much you stretch? I have a better solution for you! Do you struggle with tight hip flexors despite stretching them endlessly? You’re not alone. If your hip flexors are

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Maximizing Your Gym Time: Are Supersets the Answer?

In the modern world, where time is a luxury, many fitness enthusiasts find it challenging to dedicate extended periods to gym sessions. This limitation often raises concerns about the effectiveness of shorter workouts. Supersets, a strategic approach to exercise, may

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How to: Incorporate Running with Lifting Weights

This is certainly a topic that I feel many are confused about and that I have a lot of personal experience with! Over the last decade, I’ve bounced between endurance and strength athlete multiple times. Always incorporating both with whatever

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