Hello everyone, Coach Shannon here! As the summer season approaches and beach volleyball beckons, I’ve been working on leaning up to improve my agility on the sand. I’m excited to share that I’ve successfully shed about 7 pounds without the rigidity of strict calorie counting. This approach not only suits my lifestyle but ensures I don’t compromise on my performance due to low energy intake.

Embracing a Flexible Approach to Fitness

For years, I adhered to meticulous macro tracking, but I’ve recently shifted my focus. Instead of being bound by numbers, I’ve learned to trust my judgment and experience to estimate my food intake effectively. This change is particularly liberating because my primary goal isn’t a specific number on the scale but rather enhancing my physical capabilities for volleyball.

The Importance of a Strong Motivation

One critical lesson I’ve learned through this journey is the importance of having a compelling ‘why’ behind your fitness goals. It’s not just about the aesthetics or the numbers; it’s about deeper, more personal motivations. Whether it’s maintaining independence, setting a positive example for your children, or fulfilling a promise to your younger self, these emotional drivers are what truly sustain your efforts when the going gets tough.

My Top 5 Tips for Making Sustainable Changes

Here are some simple yet effective strategies I’ve adopted to keep progressing towards my fitness goals without overwhelming myself:

  1. Incorporate a Nutrient-Rich Salad Daily: Each day, I make sure to have a hearty salad for lunch. I use pre-mixed salad bags as a base and add a generous portion of lean protein. This isn’t just a bland bowl of greens but a delicious, satisfying meal that I look forward to.
  2. Create a Consistent Meal Template: My daily meals are generally structured the same, with slight variations in protein, spices, and vegetables. This consistency reduces the need for daily macro tracking, as I’m familiar with the nutritional content through periodic checks.
  3. Opt for Lower Calorie Alternatives: I’ve made small adjustments to my diet, such as switching from regular breakfast options to lower-calorie alternatives like an egg scramble with low-carb toast. These swaps are simple yet effective in reducing overall calorie intake.
  4. Boost Your Activity Level: Instead of replacing weight training with cardio, I’ve added more cardio sessions into my routine. Playing volleyball as often as possible is my main cardio workout, supplemented by running and walking. Increasing my daily activity helps enhance calorie burn without sacrificing muscle mass.
  5. Eliminate Mindless Snacking: Cutting out habitual snacking, especially in the evenings, has been challenging but crucial. I’ve stopped stocking snackable items like popcorn, which I tend to overeat, to better control my calorie intake.


Adjusting your lifestyle for better health and fitness doesn’t have to be a draconian measure filled with daily number crunching and food weighing. By establishing a routine that includes balanced meals, consistent exercise, and smart food choices, you can achieve your fitness goals in a more enjoyable and less stressful way. Remember, the key to sustainable fat loss is understanding your motivations and making adjustments that fit your lifestyle. Keep moving forward, and let’s make this summer one full of energy and health!