When it comes to building muscle through resistance training, understanding the optimal methods is essential for achieving the best results. The concept of repetition tempo—how fast or slow you perform your exercise movements—is one of the less explored, yet potentially impactful areas in the field of hypertrophy, the increase in muscle size.

Recent research, including a study published with PMID: 22832536, has started to shed light on how varying repetition speeds can affect muscle growth, offering valuable insights for both fitness enthusiasts and professionals.

The Importance of Tempo in Muscle Hypertrophy

The tempo of an exercise refers to the speed at which you complete a movement during your workouts. While the optimal model of training for hypertrophy is generally agreed upon, the speed of exercise execution is an area that merits further exploration.

Insights from Recent Research

A pivotal study involving 35 participants examined the effects of different tempos during resistance training. The participants were divided into two groups, each following a twice-weekly training regimen over 12 weeks. This regimen included a 2-week preparation phase and a 10-week intensive training phase. Both groups performed the same exercises—knee extensions and knee flexions—at a moderate load (50% of 1 Rep Max), completing three sets of eight repetitions per session.

The key difference between the groups was the tempo:

  • One group used a slow tempo, taking three seconds for both the concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) phases of the exercises.
  • The other group performed the movements more quickly, with one second allocated for each phase of the lift.

Findings and Their Implications

The results were telling: the slow-tempo group experienced greater muscle growth in the quadriceps (front of the thigh) compared to the group using a normal speed. For the hamstrings (back of the thigh), both groups saw increases in muscle size, but there was no significant difference between the tempos.

Interestingly, there was no significant difference in maximum strength gains between the two groups, suggesting that tempo impacts muscle hypertrophy possibly more through muscle time under tension rather than lifting capacity.

Practical Takeaways

This study reinforces the idea that slower repetitions, by increasing the duration of muscle contraction and taking muscles closer to failure, can enhance muscle growth. This likely stems from prolonged tension, a critical factor in muscle development.

However, incorporating a variety of repetition speeds could be beneficial. Varied tempos not only introduce diversity to your workouts but may also maintain training intensity, especially when equipment availability is limited.


In conclusion, while slower reps might be superior for muscle growth due to increased tension time, the choice of tempo should also consider personal preference and overall fitness goals. Ensuring proper form and enjoying your workouts are paramount. As research evolves, adapting your training approach to include different tempos could very well maximize your hypertrophy outcomes.

For those looking to optimize their muscle growth, understanding and experimenting with repetition tempo offers a promising avenue worth exploring further in your training regime.